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crafty goals for the new year

I haven't found much time for crafts since we got back from vacation.  Maybe this has something to do with it...
Here are my goals for 2012:
  • Stay current on getting pictures printed for the baby album I am working on
  • Finish my book of lists
  • Keep my crafting area organized
  • And if organized is too much to ask then at least keep the desktop clean
  • Start a new sewing project
  • Open an Etsy store to sell some extra supplies and maybe some projects
  • Get published or join a design team
I better stop there, because that last one is going to take some work!  Did anyone else set goals or is it just me?  Maybe I just really like making lists.  Okay, I know that I like making lists.


KRT said…
Those are similar to my goals. Making the time to work on them is the hard part. It is so easy to get distracted - especially when you have little ones under foot!
Zoe said…
Those are some great goals and you are taking a big step by putting them out there! Lay out your plan and put some dates on them and you will succeed. Happy New Year!