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Showing posts from February, 2017

Pipsticks - take two

My second Pipsticks package arrived this week! Hooray for happy mail. Here is a peek inside the February 2017 Pro Club Classic subscription from Pipsticks . There was a great selection and wide variety in this set. I loved the paper thin planet stickers (like metallic washi tape). I'm not sure how I will use the "I Love Lucy" sticker or the Instax frames (since I don't have an Instax camera).  I was really happy to see another pre-stamped postcard because postcards are my new go-to for sending happy mail to friends and family. Also glad that a bunch of smaller stickers I can use in my planner/journal. were included I already used all of the succulent stickers in there to document the my houseplant buying frenzy - hello spring fever! Below are the three sticker sets I won't use from this month's subscription set. Hipster animals strike again! 3/15 isn't bad. My daughter ended up using all of the animals but that sumo sheet is still sad and untouch...